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How to buy your first house in this crazy market! #firsttimehomebuyer

Do you have questions about buying a home? If you are a first time home buyer, the info contained here is a great start! Q: What’s the first step of the home buying process? A: Getting pre-approved for a mortgage. Unless you are able to pay cash for a house, you’ll need to get a mortgage. In order to know how much you can afford for a home, you will need to get pre-approved for a loan. This should always be the first step in the home buying process. Q: How long does it take to buy a home? A: The average time of closing on a home is around 30-45 days. The timeline is going to vary from person to person but once you find a house and get your offer accepted, it usually takes about 30 days to close. Q: What does a Realtor do and do I need one? A: A realtor is going to be your most valuable asset when it comes to buying a home. They are going to be there to walk you through every step of the home buying process. They will represent you in the transaction and be...
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Q and A with Chris Fritch #heirs #taxes written by Benny L Kass

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10 Habits of Happy House Hunters

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The First Time Home Buying Process isn't as difficult as you might think!

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Top 10 #Tips for #Selling Your Home during the #Holidays

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